Where do body love and photography intersect?

Where do body love and photography intersect?

I have so many passions in life and I am always looking for ways to merge them. The burning question I’ve been asking is where do body love and photography intersect? It started by challenging my belief system around bodies and questioning why I don’t 

Inspirational Poetry by Heather Lea

Inspirational Poetry by Heather Lea

Ladies, as a woman who’s had her day of prime;Who’s body has corroded slightly through the thought of time;I have some words of wisdom that I feel may help you too, Filled with observations from all that I’ve been through… Ladies, let it wobble, let 

Can you see the beauty?

Can you see the beauty?

There are times in my life that I have seen the same view and gotten so used to it that I’ve forgotten it’s beauty I’ve taken for granted what lay beneath the surface then I looked beneath the obvious, when I’ve softened my gaze, when 

Your body has a story to tell. Let’s create the space to listen.

Your body has a story to tell. Let’s create the space to listen.

Why? No one has ever hated them selves into a body they love. So why not try on body love and see how it fits? Our beliefs, our biases about our bodies get in the way, clouding the reality of who we are and placing