Becoming Unbecoming.

Becoming Unbecoming.

Maybe the journey isn’tso much about becoming anything.Maybe it’s about un-becomingeverything that isn’t really you,so you can be who youwere meant to be in the first place. – Paulo Coelho

Healer, heal thy self.

Healer, heal thy self.

Healer, heal thy self. This relationship with my body is coming closer and closer as I do the inner work and ongoing inquiry and curiosity to break down beliefs that no longer work for me. I’ve been there. I’m in it alongside all of you 

Social Currency is not your Value.

Social Currency is not your Value.

Our beliefs, our biases about our bodies get in the way, clouding the reality of who we are and placing conditions around understanding what worthiness and beauty is. I am your photographer I want to help you change this perspective. Social currency is not your 

Qualia Reed, Author

Qualia Reed, Author

“Getting to spend time around people presenting myself the way I want is so freeing and makes me feel so loved and cared about. I highly recommend this amazing team for anyone that wants to document there amazing bodies and safety and love”