Building Body Respect and Self-Acceptance though Body Neutrality

I’ve been approached quite a few times over the past few months to provide private sessions to people interested in exploring what is “keeping them out of the photos.”
It has been received so well, I would love to offer it to you.
Building trust with your body when it’s been broken off can take a long time. It takes vulnerability, patience and time to build.
Body neutrality is the remedy to body image suffering you’ve been seeking.
Body Love can feel reallllly big, like another thing to do. It can feel like “I should love my body and I don’t and now I’m beating myself up about one more thing I should be doing.”
How about trying on Body Neutrality and meeting yourself – with peace- and the acceptance of how your body shows up in the world today.
How about taking the focus off your body and instead focus on relationship with your body?
Seeking validation clarity and direction in your relationship with your body?
Let’s create a safe space to start the conversation and begin to strip away the false meaning, significance and interpretations you’ve been assigning to your body and see it for what it is: a body, no more no less.
I am now offering Body Image Mentoring Sessions to interested individuals ready to explore the question “What’s keeping you out of the picture?”
How does this look?
-1 hour mentoring sessions, in person or via secure Zoom.
-Follow up exercises and accountability prompts to bring to any further sessions.
$120 CAD/ session. Some insurance carriers will allow reimbursement through “Services of a Registered Nurse (RN). Please contact your Insurance carrier for details.
What experience does Lesley bring to Body Image Mentoring?
Lesley is very familiar and comfortable with holding safe spaces for people to emerge as more of themselves. Lesley has been a practicing Registered Nurse in BC for 20 yrs as well as a Certified Clinical Sexologist (2015) thought the Institute of Advanced Study for Human Sexuality in San Francisco, CA. She is also a author of Return to Her: Come Home to Yourself (2016).
I’m here and ready to talk when you are, friends. Email/text me or begin by filling out the form below and I will respond within 48 hours.