Thank you for inspiring me.
What is my motivation to pick up my camera every single day and capture you? To document the journey to healing, reconnecting and celebrating ALL bodies. Every single one.
Raw Image Studios is a body-inclusive photography studio for Every Body.
What is my motivation to pick up my camera every single day and capture you? To document the journey to healing, reconnecting and celebrating ALL bodies. Every single one.
Firstly, you are pure art. I 100% believe that. However, FB does not and most of my images have been censored and my accounts frozen over the past few weeks as a result. I disagree but i am merely a visitor here on these platforms. …
When life has other plans.
I have been away, nurturing the creative upheaval rising in my bones. It had called me to be patient and still and await its arrival.
So I waited and it came, inch by inch, slowly revealing itself to me in dreams, in symbolism and song. Glimpses of my free spirit, my internal artist showed themselves to me.
My creative shifts are calling for me to hang out at the edge of my comfort zone and really feel into my edges. Enough pretending, acting as if. More authentic engaged living. More writing, more photos, more painting, more creative pursuits, more loving, more patience ( this one is soooo hard) and ultimately more of myself in my everyday.
I am a woman of creative means, a maker of beautiful things and an erotic epicurean. My journey is from the inside out and it is exquisite. But it is sure taking its time.
I had fantastic plans for 2024- they were pretty epic: a second studio, extensive travel, an art exhibition , new workshops and rest.
What happened? A whole lot of introspection, compassion and forgiveness.
Forgiveness has been crucial in my creative evolution. Lugging around all the anger and pain of my past slowed me to a complete stop. I had to let go of something but what?
I had to learn a new skill- letting go of the past, of how things did not go.
Perhaps the hardest lesson of my life. It took practice + more practice.
So I sat.
In my new creative space and waited – here’s where the patience came in – for a sign or some form of direction. I knew life has other plans for me, I could not see them clearly yet. I so desired the blueprints to know what to do, to attempt some form of control of my life which seemed out of my hands.
When I sat in stillness for long enough, the answer came.
Create. Tell your story visually. Help other women write their story and breathe life into their beautiful selves. Create a space for creative upheaval and release.
Our stories bring us freedom. Surrender to your sensual story and find freedom in your truth.
Your creativity needs a outlet. Your voice. It is truly courageous for a woman to break her silence about her incredible creative power.
When we feel safe enough to drop into our divine, the truth resides there.
The Art of Observing Yourself is a a comprehensive guide to cultivate self-love and body neutrality through a self-portrait practice. Its everything you need to get started and stay motivated in your self-portraiture practice. I have been creating this guide for the past 2 years …