The manifesto of the sensually awakened woman

The manifesto of the sensually awakened woman
By Lesley Stedmon

The sensually awakened woman
Is awake and alive.

She is in awe and has awareness of the immense power that burns within her.
Does not apologize for herself, her power and her sensuality.
Sees through the fog of fear, obligation and guilt she has been handed as part of her cultural inheritance as a woman.
Owns her unlimited possibilities, and all the terrain and flavours of who she is.
Is tuned into her highly responsive body and the depth of her sensations and nuances.
Is unabashedly herself.

And proud of it.
She has come face to face with the the essence of her most sensual self.
Honors the language of her body to make soul centered decisions.
Showing up is her power in a world that tells her to play small.
Her sensuality feels like the ultimate freedom mixed with ease.
The sensually awakened woman accesses her full spectrum of sensual expression.
Feels alive in her skin and her body.
She Claims her pleasure and is able to ask for what she needs.
Is ignited and fully alive in every area of her life.
Has been stifled, shamed, defeated and inhibited. Yet stands strong and supported.
She has come face to face with the essence of her most sensual self – and stayed.
Boldly takes up space and delve into the fullness of her femininity.
Owns her deep, wild, erotic womanhood.
She has the perspective to appreciate the joy that already resides within her.
She is fully awakened and alive.