This is the beginning of loving yourself. Welcome home.
It’s a collective experience expressed by many women- we all go through high peaks + low valleys with how we treat + view our bodies.
It may be our jobs, family stress, navigating relationships – it all takes a toll + reflects back at us in the mirror more often than we would like.
This process – this art – is not the magic cure, but serves as a first step, an opening for celebration + empowerment + to be fully and naturally themselves.
Our intention is to create a safe space for our clients to own their worth + honour themselves.
There is no best reason to have a photo shoot- you’ll leave with a tangible reminder to hang on your wall + celebrate that you took time to love yourself that one day in Nanaimo at a photo studio + may it forever remind you how powerful you are.
This is the beginning of loving yourself.
Welcome home.