What do I do?

I support people to embrace and love their bodies as they are through the lens of compassion, curiosity and my camera.
There are a multitude of ways to work with me and support your relationship with your body;
Shoot- book a photo session for yourself, your family, your graduate or your business.
Learn- about body neutrality and body respect through blog posts, and our online learning platform.
Shop- have a look at our upcoming offers, campaigns and events as well as purchasing gift cards.
Be inspired- through our biweekly newsletters on the 1st and 15th of each month with musings about photo sessions, resources to support growth, photo tips and tricks and upcoming projects.
Watch – our weekly IG Lives on Wednesdays at 1230.
Grow – access the Body Love Toolbox for 10 ways to impotence your relationship with your body that you can begin today and do in your own time.