When my beautiful friends send me poetry inspired by my photos, enjoy this masterpiece by Gina Puorro

When my beautiful friends send me poetry inspired by my photos, enjoy this masterpiece by Gina Puorro

I want my body to rot. Loose skin and sagging breastslips thinned by the years of laughterevery line untucked and carved deep.I want to be so wrinkled and withered that the AI can’t even identify a face to smooth and plumpand your $86 serum drowns 

Availability Updates for Spring 2023

Availability Updates for Spring 2023

We’re in full swing at the studio! We’ll be closing the books on April soon will be making more spots available in May! Let’s start planning your shoot!

A testimonial from one of our clients

A testimonial from one of our clients

Lesley has a powerful eye and a beautiful way of helping you be seen and see your body in a new light. If you’re feeling called to have photos taken locally she’s one of my go-to photographers!

Gillian Goerzen

How often do you show 100% of your true self?

How often do you show 100% of your true self?

Be honest. How often do you show 100% of your true self? Do you show up as you are unfiltered and completely emotionally naked for others to see all of you? I can honestly say I edit my self. In a world where conforming to