Don’t interrupt my becoming

Don’t interrupt my becoming

Don’t interrupt my becoming because you don’t like yourself.Don’t interrupt my becoming with your fear and shame.Don’t interrupt my becoming because extinguishing my flame won’t make yours burn any brighter.You may interrupt my becoming to ask to join me on my path or ask for 

Temple  by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Temple by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

O body, cracked bellthat still sings when struck,O leaky cup,O broken stem,I love you, body,your crooked path,your crumbling walls,your faulty math.I love the wayyou stopped believingyou could everhold it all,how you beganto let yourselfbecome the onethat’s being held.I love the graffition your inner halls—scrawled names 

There is only one of you.

There is only one of you.

Thin, thick, tall, small, slender, curvy, curly, straight, dark, light, that body, with every detail is YOURS alone, look at it with compassion.
Fatima Mohammed